
Thursday, April 2, 2020

Kobe and gigi

Title of Story :Kobe bryant And GiGi Date :Wednesday 12 Feb Link to NZ herald (choose a current events story from the NZHerald link - answer the questions below) * MAKE A COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT ** CHOOSE A CURRENT EVENT NEWS STORY *** Read the article *** COMPLETE THE STUDENT ACTIVITIES. Do Now : Term that you don't understand (choose 4) Term Definition 1.accusations accuser. noun. someone who says that another person has done something bad. 2.Philadelphia the name comes from two Greek words - phileo which means "to love" and adelphos which means "brother. 3.tremendous very great in amount, scale, or intensity. STUDENT ACTIVITY Read the story and answer the questions below Topic / Subject of the Story ; Kobe bryant And GiGi Where is this story based ? (local, regional, national, international)This happened in the helicopter Calabasas, California, United States? Why is this story in the news? So that everyone knows what has happened... Eg is it a story of conflict ? Natural disaster ? Interesting or Unusual ? Shocking ? Tragedy ? Controversy ? Humour ? Overcoming ? Victory ? etc (Give a reason why ) Who are the individuals or groups involved in the story ? Insert Picture or symbols if possible eg NZ Government MInister OR Police. Write down 4 facts from the story. Kobe Bryant t-shirt number was 24 from and Ghi number is 28 Describe the story? Give two points views mentioned in the story ? What is your opinion on the story ? Write a summary of the current event article, giving your perspective on the story ?


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